
Krilakrila, my first circus creation and performance executed in 2004, an aerial circus project which forms part of my thesis for the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, gained me the Prešeren Student’s Award in 2005.

Since graduating from the Circus Academy Centre National des Arts du Cirque in Chalons en Champagne, France, in 2008, the range and number performances I collaborate in has widened, and includes work with artists globally to promote innovative, experimental circus.

There are shows and performances in the offer as well as solo and duo acts suitable for various events, such as business conferences, opening events, weddings, concerts, festivals.


SOLO ACTS are aerial performances of between four and fifteen minutes long using aerial silks and/or aerial hammocks accompanied with live or recorded music.

DUO ACTS are collaborations with different aerial artists. We offer duo aerial silks performances as well as combination of various aerial accessories of between five and fifteen minutes long accompanied with live or recorded music.

Technical requirements

For the selfstanding structure:

Access for the van to unload the material. Stable, flat surface, 8m x 16m and 6,20m of height, for installation of selfstanding structure to facilitate aerial choreography (6m x 6m x 6,20m when put up); the time necessary for construction and deconstruction is 90 mins in total; assistance of two people needed.

In cases where organizers offer rigging infrastructure, we need one or two attachment points, dynamically resistant to forces with a minimum level of 150 kg, placed at a minimum height of 6m.

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In collaboration with dancers and musicians we offer attractive cca 30min long performances suitable for festivals and various events.


Contemporary circus, dance & music performance


- Dana Auguštin, dance and acrobatic choreography on aerial silks, aerial hammock, and on the ground; live vocals

- Alan Ropoša - Evol Ai, original music composition and production; live musical performance

A poetic interlacement of movement in the air and on the floor with live musical performance and recorded music.

In its own, special way, the (F)Act of Love is a story about something that all of us, deep inside, are searching for - the freedom of true love.

The performance combines contemporary dance, contemporary circus and music into a poetic story where the movement on the ground interferes with the one in the air. It is suitable for all ages. Duration is 30min.

Technical requirements

Selfstanding structure:

Access for the van to unload the material. Stable, flat surface, 8m x 16m and 6,20m of height, for installation of selfstanding structure to facilitate aerial choreography (6m x 7m x 6,20m when put up); the time necessary for construction and deconstruction is 90 mins in total; assistance of two people needed. Total time for preparation of the show (including the installation of the structure) is 3h.

In cases where organizers offer rigging infrastructure, we need two attachment points, distance between them 2,5m, dynamically resistant to forces with a minimum level of 150 kg, placed at a minimum height of 6m

Sound: PA system, min. 300W loudspeakers (or speakers suitable for the space of performance), 1-2 monitor speakers.

Light (in case of night performance): We send the light scheme in an additional file.

For more information & booking contact



- Dana Auguštin,choreography on aerial elastic hammock, aerial silks and on the ground; music;

- Kaja Lin Avguštin,choreography on the ground.

Mir Or is a reflection of the golden calmness that resides within all of us.

In the silence of the day, a shadow arose from the depths. She sat beside me, spoke a language without words, but movements. Touching every part of my soul she opened many worlds within me, from the deep darkness to shining peaks.

Infinite are our potentials…what are we all capable of?

The performance combines acrobatic dance on aerial elastic hammock and silks with dance on the ground into poetic story where the movement on the ground interferes with the one in the air. It is suitable for all ages. Duration is cca 25min.

Technical requirements

Stable, flat surface, 7 m x 16 m, for installation of self-standing structure to facilitate aerial choreography; time necessary for construction and deconstruction is 90 mins in total; we need no assistance.

In cases where organisers offer rigging infrastructure, we need two attachment points, spaced 1.50 metres from each other, dynamically resistant to forces with a minimum level of 150 kg, placed at a minimum height of 6 m.

Sound: 2 monitors, mixing table, usb player and speakers suitable for the space of performance.

Light: Video projector. We send the light scheme in additional file.

For more information & booking contact



- Dana Auguštin, choreography on aerial elastic hammock, aerial silks and on the ground;

- Thierno Diallo, score, double bass, electric bass.

Somiru, our contemporary circus performance, innovatively and experimentally melds ground and aerial movement with live music through the telling of its eponymous protagonist's story.

Somiru, travelling through worlds, discovers substance and sound, is gently touched and gently touches, communicates, always learns and always moves on. Somiru's journey is our's; womb emerged, we encounter many beings, experience of every type, singing and dancing our life stories, leaving memories and impressions in the wake.

Somiru's story, told in five minutes shy of half an hour, can be performed in daytime's natural light or in dark/night spaces.

Technical requirements

Stable, flat surface, 7 m x 16 m, for installation of selfstanding structure to facilitate aerial choreography; time necessary for construction and deconstruction is 90 mins in total; we need no assistance.

In cases where organisers offer rigging infrastructure, we need two attachment points, spaced at least 1.50 metres from each other, dynamically resistant to forces with a minumum level of 150 kg, placed at a minimum height of 6 m.

Sound: PA, microphone for double bass, cable or wireless electric bass connection, microphone for toy piano in large wooden chest, and stable directional microphone for voices thrown from heights of between three and four metres.

For more information & booking contact